1419067783During the first Quarter of business as your County Clerk, we have implemented many changes in the office some noticeable to the public and some behind the scenes. Most people notice immediately the sign in process and waiting area. Our team does our best to greet customers as they enter and we have a nice selection of donated magazines available in the seating area. The chairs were county owned but not being utilized so we repurposed them in the Clerk’s office. My hope is the clerk’s office is a place where people feel welcomed.  

We were one of three counties left in the state not imagining documents in our recordings department and I was determined that we would not be the last! On day one, our recordings department started scanning documents and we already have plans in place to start back scanning in the coming months. I have applied for grant funding to assist us with this undertaking as well as negotiated with our vendor for back scanning to occur to preserve our currently indexed records. We have already started discussions around back indexing to preserve as much as we can.  

Our secured website went live on day one at no expense to the taxpayers. You can find us online at www.grantcountyclerk.orgor on Facebook at www.facebook.com/grantcountyclerk You can renew your vehicle with Kentucky regular Unbridled Spirit or In God We Trust plates online. Our hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:30-4pm and every Saturday 8:30-Noon (except holidays and Derby Day due to downtown festivities.)

We completed over 6,700 motor vehicle transactions in our first quarter. As we have begun our second quarter, our motor vehicle customers will notice a change in their transactions as our system received an upgrade on April 20th. We are moving to a Print On Demand Decal system that includes a scanning feature. This saves on postage each day when we send our daily reports which will now be submitted electronically. This is a welcomed change by County Clerks and overall the changeover has gone smoothly.

In our Election Department, we are preparing for the May 19thPrimary and are trying to streamline services to make Election Day as smooth as possible. We are working hard on our Voter Registration System that was upgraded in 2014 to ensure accurate voting records are retained in Grant County. 

I want to thank the customers of the clerk’s office for their encouragement during our transition and I especially want to thank our team of deputy clerks. The transition has pushed them adopt new business practices and I appreciate their cooperation and encouragement.  

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